Thursday 22 October 2009

Education! Education! Education!

Education is overrated, especially in Britain, the value of degrees is eroded by their ease of accessibility and attainability to the stupid and mediocre alike.

1. 60- 70% of the population need only know how to read, write and do basic arithmetic. These are the majority who will work in Wal-Mart, McDonald's, collect garbage, deliver mail etc. or serve as enlisted personnel in the armed forces.

The beauty of the armed forces is they will continue to educate them & McDonald's will give them stars.

2. There are now too many half arsed universities, offering ludicrous courses, to people who if they had not benefitted from the dumbing down of qualifications, would be covered in point 1.

These are people who labour under the misapprehension that a degree (any degree) is the key to success. This was true 50 years ago, when only the top 10% went to university, now it's just a fast track route to the call centre for most. (A call centre that will eventually be outsourced to India)

3. University should be free to those doing essential courses for a career, teaching, nursing, medical, law, engineering etc. But having gained the qualification free of charge should have to do 5 years "National Service" to repay society, this would just mean working for the state, so state schools, hospitals, or armed services etc. Similarly, essential vocational courses should be treated in the same way.

Non essential and frivolous courses should be chargable at the full rate and not subsidised by the taxpayer at all. If you want to take a degree in Sir Cliff Richard Studies, at Scunthorpe Metropolitan University, you should do so at your own expense, see how many take up "Creative Knitting" when they have to stump up £35,000 to do so.